The design in front of Amun'sol was complex. Lifting his mug to his lips, he took a small sip of the nectar. Soon his questions would be answered and he would be able to start work on Vasilka's latest design... He had never seen anything this intricate before. He didn't even know if it was physically possible to make. But he was going to try. He had to, for Vasilka. She took so much delight in seeing her designs turned into reality, and seeing that delight made him happy.
Sipping the nectar, and looking at the drawing, Amun'sol didn't notice the figure approach him. Glancing up, he recognized the man sitting at the table across from him. "Hello father."
"Hello Amun, my boy. How is the family?" The man replied, a smile crossing his face.
"Vasilka and the twins are fine. What brings you to the Exodar?" Amun replied. He hadn't seen his father since he went to visit him in Shattrath to introduce Vasilka to him and announce their upcoming marrage.
"Forced leave. The commander insisted I needed to take a break. I'm surprised to see you here.. Thought you were living in the human city."
"I do, father. I came here to ask the advice of some of the master jewelcrafters on how to make this." Amun'sol slid the design across the table to his father. Maran'sol looked at the drawing briefly and handed it back.
"Still fooling around with this stuff eh?" Maran chuckled. "Not ready for some real work are ya."
"Fooling around? My craft puts food on the table for my family." Amun scowled as he said this.
"Fighting in our homeland would put more on their table."
"I'm not you dad... I want to be there for my family. I want to see them and be with them." Amun'sol frowned. He knew this would happen. Its why he hadn't made an effort to contact his father again.
"So staying home with that insane whore of a wife is more important to you than protecting our people." Maran'sol spat.
Amun'sol lept from his chair, grabbing his father by the neck and pinning him to the wall. "What did you call her?"
"She's an insane whore. I've heard stories about her. " Maran'sol gasped.
"Call her that again and I will end you father. You know nothing about her." Letting go, Amun'sol stepped back and stuffed the drawing in his pocket. "I better not see you again, father. I do what I must for my family. That is my walk in life. I will not abandon them as you did us. Good day."
Storming out of the bar, Amun made for the ship back to Menethil. He was in no mood to speak with the master now... All he wanted was to be home.