Friday, August 22, 2008

Anna's Friday Five

Over on Too Many Annas, she does a segment called Friday Five where she asks five questions. Today's five are focused on RP in WoW. She asked these five questions.
  1. What is your character’s name?
  2. Why did he/she pick his/her class?
  3. What’s the worst trouble he/she ever got into as a child?
  4. What is his/her favorite thing to eat?
  5. What does he/she have in his/her pockets?
I will answer these questions from the point of view of my druid, Taseli
  1. My name is Taseli Evensong, a druid of the Kel'dorei.
  2. I guess it was my love of the outdoors and my faith in Elune that led me down this path. I want nothing more than to protect those I care for and the land we live on.
  3. Worst trouble eh?? Well... Let me think for a few moments. I think it would have to be the time I taught my sister, Ganeida, to climb trees but didn't teach her how to get back down. So she got up into the tree and got stuck. Being young at the time I thought it was quite comical and held out on telling her the trick to getting down safely. After a few minutes she started to cry and I gave in to her and helped her down. Of course, when we got home she went straight to mother... I don't think I was aloud out of the house for a week.
  4. I'm a vegetarian... I know, odd for a druid who likes to spend a good portion of her time in the form of a cat. I would have to say my favorite food though are the apple pies that Vasilka makes. They are wonderful.
  5. I like to keep a handful of dried berries to snack on in my pockets. And a few trinkets to remember my friends and family.

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